Schedule Maintenance Plan

To perform schedule maintenance, first step is to create a plan.

To create a plan

Go To Schedule Maintenance Menu > Plan > Click on + icon > Enter the details > Click on Save Details.


As shown in above attachment there are various fields need to be filled. Such as:
Plan Name: Enter appropriate Plan Name.
Approval Required: If approval is required at the end of maintenance completion. If yes then select appropriate manager who will approve the maintenance.
Recursion Plan: The frequency of the maintenance. It can be one time, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
Plan Duration: The duration time of plan.
Reference Guide: Upload appropriate document if any to explain how plan will be carried out.
Projected Cost: Estimation cost for maintenace in specified currency.
Description: Description of the Plan.

Once a plan is defined, add one or multiple task inside that plan. Task is step wise process that is carried out to complete one plan.

To add task(s) inside a plan

Go To Schedule Maintenance Menu > Plan > Actions > Click on Add/Update Task


This will redirect to task page. Click on + icon to add new task.


As shown in above attachment there are various fields need to be filled. Such as:
Title: Title of task
Gps Required: If the location is required during maintenance, then select it as Yes.
Proof Required: If the proof of task is required during maintenance, then select it as Yes.
Downtime: The downtime of the asset on which the maintenance is carried out.

Multiple task can be added if there are multiple task/step involved under that plan.

The task is performed in the order. It can be reorder by dragging order icon as shown in below image.
