Allocated Plans

Once the plan and its tasks are define in first step, next step is to add one or more device under that plan to carry out maintenance.

To allocate a plan:

Go To Schedule Maintenance Menu > Allocated Plans > Click on + icon > Fill the details > Click on Save Details


As shown in above image, there are various fields which are explained as:

All Devices: If a specific device needs to be added for maintenance, then we can add using this field. It will prefilled category and model dropdown below.
Category: Category of device which needs to be added in maintenance
Model: Model of device which needs to be added in maintenance. If category is not selected, it will show all models in dropdown else it will show only models that belongs to the selected category
Device: Device that needs to be added in maintenance. If category and model is not selected, it will show all devices in dropdown else it will show only devices that belongs to the selected category and/or selected model
Plan: Plan that was created in first step
Assigned To: User who will carry out the maintenance. It can be either supplier or user.

Once the allocation is created the device will be added to maintenance for the date that is selected in Plan (Recursion Plan)