How to add Resale Information?

When a device was given or handed over in exchange for money, you need to have the document for that.

To Resale a Device

go to the Devices > Device Details > Click on the action control of the particular Device > Click on the location-arrow icon >Add the Details Click Save to proceed.

  • Sold Done By: Choose the user who sold the device
  • Sold Date: Choose the Sold Date
  • Sold Currency: Choose the currency for the sold value
  • Sold Price: Enter the Sold value

ResaleDevicePic ResaleFormDevicePic

  • Note: The sold devices can be restored only by the super admin by clicking the icon of the device. Other users cannot restore the sold devices. Edit, delete, check-in and check-out functionalities also cannot perform for this status devices. Only the users can clone the device to add a similar device.
