Holiday Configuration

This is Holidays modules is consider the list of holidays.

To add a Holiday

Go to the CONFIG > Holidays > click on Create Holiday.


After open popup modal fill the all details follow :

  • Enter the Holiday Name.
  • Select the Holiday Date.
  • Select the country in Location Country.
  • Select the Location Name.
  • Enable/Disable checkbox for select all location.


To edit a Holiday

Go to the CONFIG > Holidays > click on icon.


  • After open popup modal and change any details per your recuirements.
  • After Click on save Button.


To delete a Holiday

Go to the CONFIG > Holidays > click on icon.


  • After display SweetAlert confirmation then click yes so delete Holiday otherwise click on cancel.

To download a Holidays

Go to the CONFIG > Holidays > click on icon.


  • After download excel sheet of all Holidays list.