Once the device is/are assigned to Plan, the schedule maintenance plan will be visible in All Assigned/My Assigned Plans menu .
-> To see all the devices in schedule maintenance,
Go to left sidebar Schedule Maintenance > All Assigned Plans
As seen in image above there are 5 tabs defined above which is explained as:
To edit a plan status, Go to Action Column -> Edit Staus as shown in below image
To perform the schedule maintenance, Go to Action Column -> Task Details as shown in below image
On click of Task Detail, it will redirect to task detail page where the task(s) needs to be updated in order to complete the maintenance as shown in below image . As seen the task detail page is divided into 2 sections. First section shows details about Plan and Graph to display progress in task. Second section is where user can update the task in order.
-> My Assigned Plan will show listing same as All Assigned Plan but it will only show plans whose assigned person is logged in user.
-> To see all the devices in My Assigned Plans,
Go To Schedule Maintenance > My Assigned Plans