Procurement workflow

ITM's procurement has the following three user roles:

  1. Procurement user
  2. Procurement team
  3. PAB members

Procurement users are the normal users who can give requests. Whereas, procurement team is a group of experts who provide a wide range of services to all project participants involved or interested in the activities relating to the purchasing of materials and supplies required for project implementation. PAB members are responsible for the approval.

There are two types of procurement requests:

1. Approval Not Required Requests

Once the user gives a request, the Procurement team member used to receive that. Then the team member has to choose the supplier and update the status. pc_flow

2. Approval Required Requests

Once the user gives a request, the Procurement team member used to receive that. Then the team member has to choose the supplier and update the status as waiting for approval. So that the corresponding PAB member can approve/reject directly. user-guide.pdf