How to view complete Device Information?

To view complete Device Information

go to the Devices > Device Details > Click on the Device Tag of the particular device.

  • Info: Basic device information
  • Expense: Especially the information about this device expense that was added.
  • Schedule Maintenance: Information about the particular device maintenance which added through device maintenance will appear here. You can add a new maintenance detail directly here
  • License: Corresponding check out license of the device will appear here
  • Accessories: Corresponding check out accessories of the device will appear here
  • Components: Corresponding check out accessories of the device will appear here
  • Tickets: Relevant tickets of the device will appear here
  • Documents: Documents related to this asset can be added here
  • History: Entire check in, check out history of the device will appear here
  • Requests: Device requested by the user will appear here
  • Audit: Audit details like verifier, rating, audit date of the device can be added here. You can upload minimum of 1 to 15 images in a single form.
  • Map View: Map of the corresponding device location
  • Tracked Location: It shows the history of the traced locations of the device
  • Accounting: Especially the information about this device all expense display.
  • Cost Earning: Especially the information about this device all earning display.

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