Ticket Configuration

To create and manage a service ticket, need to configure the following steps.

How to Hide Fields for User View & Mail Notification?

Here you can hide some fields for the end user view and when main notification has to send to the user whether Ticket Status Change/ Ticket Resolved Status.

To hide Fields for User View & Mail Notification > Go to the Service Tickets > Choose Ticket Configuration > Enable the radio button of the particular field which you want to hide > Choose the option to send notification > Click on Update.


How to configure Report Fields?

By using the download icon, you can download My tickets and All tickets.

To customize these fields while downloading,

Go to the Service Tickets > Choose the Ticket Configuration > Enable the required fields on the Report Field > Click on Update to proceed.


How to configure departments for Service Tickets?

To create a service ticket, need to configure the department first. For any department, the service ticket creation can deny by disabling the particular department here. Only the enabled departments will come to create a service ticket. To enable/disable the department for service ticket creation,

Go to the Service Tickets > Choose Ticket Configuration > Click on the checkbox button of the department to enable /disable.


How to promote a User to the Technician/Ticket Handler?

Technicians are the users who have service ticket access. By providing the service ticket access, admin can promote the normal user to the technician. To promote a user to technician,

Go to the users > Choose the action of the particular user > Click on the pencil icon > Choose user permissions > Click the 'allow' checkbox button of the Service Tickets Access > Click on save changes to proceed.

How to configure Ticket Handler Limit?

Once the user has upgraded as a ticket handler/technician, needs to assign the department and other handling limits for the ticket handler. To select the department,

Go to the Service Tickets > Choose Ticket Configuration > Click the radio button of the departments to assign > enable the required action control > To allow ticket creation for others, click the checkbox button of ticket creation > To give ticket merging access, click on the checkbox button > Save changes to proceed.

Note: Deselect the assigned departments, action control, other access and save changes, when changing the ticket handler as a normal user.
