Blacklisted Software

To get the list of all NI devices on which the unwanted softwares are installed, one can add softwares in the blacklist. To access blacklisted software module

Go to left sidebar Network Inventory > NI Blacklisted Software .


There are 4 ways to add blacklist software:

  1. Version
    If a software with a specific version(s) needs to be added for blacklist then Version option is selected. Select Version radio button as shown below. Add a software and its corresponding version. Click select all button to add all the versions.


  2. Publisher
    If all the software under a publisher needs to be added for blacklist then Publisher option is selected. Select one or more publisher to blacklist all its software. Note: By adding publisher, all the softwares and its version (current and future) will be added in blacklist.


  3. Software Name
    If a software name needs to be added for blacklist then Software Name option is selected. Select one or more software to blacklist them. Note: By adding software, all its version (current and future) will be added in blacklist.


  4. Manually added software
    If a software which does not currently exist in device but needs to be added in blacklist if detected in future then Manually added software option is selected. To blacklist exact name select Exact radio button or if software name with similar name needs to be added in blacklist then select Similar radio button as shown below


After adding software in blacklist, click on from the listing. It will redirect to another tab where user can see all the devices which has blacklisted software.
