How to add a new Device?

To add a new device from the list.

To add a new Device

go to the Devices >Device Details > Click on the plus icon > Add New Device Details > Click on Add New Device.

When adding a new device, the notification will be sent to the mail address which has provided in the general settings.


  • Device Tag: For auto generation leave it blank or enter the new device tag.
  • Stock Place: Stock Place is the internal place where the assets are in, refer click at section
  • Purchase Reference: It is the invoice given while adding the new purchase, refer click at section
  • Asset Owner: The responsible person for an asset
  • Requestable Devices: If the device can check out to anyone, then click the radio button of the Requestable device to add this device on the Requestable device list.
  • High Priority Devices: If the device is a high priority device, click the radio button. The complete life-cycle of the device is given below